History of the NECA-IBEW Welfare Trust Fund
The NECA-IBEW Welfare Trust Fund (Welfare Trust Fund) was established on November 21, 1955. There were originally five locals that started the Welfare Trust Fund: Local #146, Decatur, IL; Local #193, Springfield, IL; Local #34, Peoria, IL; Local #601, Champaign, IL; and Local #538, Danville, IL. The beginning contribution was five cents per hour. There are currently 19 Locals that are administered by the Fund Office. These locals span from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Miami, Florida. The Welfare Trust Fund, commonly known as the “Decatur Plan”, is administered in Decatur, Illinois.
The Welfare Trust Fund was, at its inception, an insured plan with Aetna Insurance Company. In October of 1967, the Welfare Trust Fund became self-insured and in April of 1991, the Welfare Trust Fund became self-administered.
On April 1st, 1991, the Welfare Trust Fund became self-administered. As a result of being self-administered it was necessary to form a corporation for the Plan. In the beginning, a Board of Directors was elected which consisted of three labor Trustees and three management Trustees. Each Director serves a 3 year term. The terms are staggered and as a result only one union and one management Trustee are elected annually.